Get motivated package is back for you! (December 2020) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

Get motivated package is back for you! (December 2020) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

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It’s a very special time of year that we know our community eagerly anticipates! Prepare your body to ascend to the next level of health as Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food merrily presents your favorite Get Motivated Package’.

For the next two weeks only, take advantage of this rare opportunity to access advanced herbal products, exclusive to our therapeutic program. Treat yourself to some of Dr. Sebi’s most acclaimed formulations with this special seasonal gift, for only $299.

Set Yourself Free!

The Get Motivated Package’ reinforces your body’s ability to process and eliminate the toxins holding back your mood, mind, memory, motivation, and mojo. To make lasting improvements to your health, the sources of internal toxicity must be mobilized, detoxified, and excreted. 
Toxins impair the immune system, cause brain fog, and emotional imbalance. Stagnant waste in the colon creates bacterial toxins. Accumulated waste also prevents the liver from eliminating chemical toxins. These toxins get stored in fat, or build up in the body, causing mucus, inflammation, and disease.

“Before any disease is reversed, the colon must be cleansed.” – Dr. Sebi

Feeling Super Fine

To open up new avenues of mental and physical wellness, you need to get clean and pristine on the inside. Cleansing the digestive system boosts the whole body and mind, a clean colon absorbs more nutrition and causes less inflammation.  

The Get Motivated Package contains synergized adaptive, bitter, detoxing, pacifying, and tonifying herbs chosen to cleanse, detox, nourish and purify you on the inside and out. The package includes Chelation 2, Lymphalin, Fucus Capsules, Bio Ferro Capsules, and Green Food.

This mighty herbal combination will ensure your body is radiant and sublime, beautifully prepared for a happy, healthy, holiday season. Support your body to be at it’s best with the harmonizing herbal sustenance offered in the incredible Get Motivated Package’:  

  • Boost happy hormones and painkilling endorphins. 
  • Break down calcium deposits and build strong bones.
  • Drive cellular nutrition to naturally boost mood and memory.
  • Enhance waste elimination, opening detoxification pathways.
  • Stimulate digestion and increase nutrient absorption.
  • Increase resilience to stress and reduce anxiety.
  • Promote relaxation and physical restoration.
  • Reduce inflammation and increase alkalinity.
  • Remove stagnant waste and enhance lymph flow.
  • Stimulate cellular cleansing and rejuvenation.

Promoting Health

This year, more than ever before, we must support the body to maintain optimum health and prevent sickness. Nourish and nurture every organ with this limited offer to rapidly enhance your self-healing, and protect your future health.

For the next two weeks, you can dive deeper into wellness and get motivated to live a long, healthy, and happy life. Get rid of the old, and make way for some fresh new energy and enthusiasm. Are you ready for the Get Motivated Package? Get it today for the special price of $299!

Get Yours Today!

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