It's Never Too Late To Develop Healthy Habits (June 2020) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

It's Never Too Late To Develop Healthy Habits (June 2020) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

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When you're in your 20's, caring for your health might be the last thing on your mind. Between working, socializing, and the idea that "you are too young to worry about it", it's really easy to put healthy habits in the back burner. The thing is, it's a lot easier and smarter (not to mention cheaper) to maintain good health from the get-go than to try to reverse the course when things go wrong. Start to look out for your body and set yourself up for success and longevity, by making sure you have these habits locked down as you age:

1) Switch to an Alkaline-Electric Diet. If you haven't already, now it's time to make that switch. A diet comprised mostly of fresh fruits and vegetables (like the one Dr. Sebi outlined in the Nutritional Guide) is the best thing to keep the alkaline balance in your body's systems to prevent and reverse pathologies, thus ensuring good health and well-being.

2) Learn to Cook. Cooking is a valuable life skill that you'll never regret acquiring. Preparing your own meals at home ensures that you have full control over what goes into your body, so it's easier to choose quality ingredients and follow the recommended Nutritional Guide. Plus, you'll soon find out that eating at home is a lot cheaper than going out to eat at restaurants or ordering take-out, so you'll save money. It's a win-win situation! Not sure where to begin? Head over to Dr. Sebi's Cell Food YouTube Channel, where you'll find a ton of Journal that are delicious, alkaline-electric, and most of all, easy for beginners!

3) Ditch Animal Products and Processed Foods. If you're following Dr. Sebi's Nutritional Guide, you know that animal products and processed foods have no place in your diet. However, they can easily sneak back into your life when you're out with friends, at work, or shopping for groceries (especially when you are hungry and without a list). Be always prepared! Keep your fridge and pantry fully stocked, prepare your meals in advance and pack healthy snacks in your purse (like a piece of fruit or a handful of walnuts) to reach for them when the temptation strikes. Check out this video for ideas on Dr. Sebi-approved snacks.

4) Find a Way to Move More. As you become more preoccupied with work as you move through adulthood, you'll find that it gets harder to get some exercise in. Spending all day sitting at your desk can have terrible consequences for your posture, your circulation, and your mood. Find ways to sneak some movement into your daily routine: take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car farther and try to walk whenever you can.

5) Surround Yourself With Supportive People. Going from a partying, fast-food-eating and beer-guzzling 20-year-old, to a mindful individual who cares about their habits can take a toll on your social life. Your friends might feel left out or alienated from you, but you can't let that bring you down. Try to teach them and get them interested in your new choices, in a way that's encouraging and joyful: invite them to a healthy home-cooked meal or go for a walk together and let them know why this lifestyle change is so important to you. If that doesn't work, try to find a new crew that's supportive and understanding of your path.

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