Are You Feeling Bloated? (June 2020) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

Are You Feeling Bloated? (June 2020) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

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It's a fact: anyone can be affected by stomach bloating. Stomach bloating can make you feel tight, stuffed, and overall uncomfortable. But, is there anything you can do to prevent it?

First of all, let's look at the causes. Stomach bloating most commonly occurs after eating, due to problems digesting certain foods. The most common offenders are foods high in fat and salt, such as fast food, and those containing lactose, eggs, or wheat. If you're strictly adhering to Dr. Sebi's Nutritional Guide, this shouldn't be a problem. Let's explore other reasons for your abdominal discomfort:

1) Eating Too Much At A Time. Have you ever been afraid that the last button on your pants is going to pop after eating dinner? If you're feeling like this every day, you should consider eating smaller meals to avoid unnecessary discomfort at the end. You can try to make smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day, instead of three larger ones. Dr. Sebi's Triple Berry Smoothie can be a great way to start your day or have as a light, soothing afternoon snack.

2) Swallowing Too Much Air. There are two sources of gas in the digestive system: one is gas produced by the bacteria that live in the gut, the other is air or gas that is swallowed when you eat or drink. While swallowing a certain amount of air is perfectly normal, you definitely want to keep it to a minimum to avoid the side effects. Avoid stress-eating, eating while you're in a hurry, drinking beverages through a straw and chewing gum throughout the day. If you feel anxious, try drinking a cup of Dr. Sebi's Nerve/Stress Relief Herbal Tea. Made with chamomile, it will not only calm your nerves but also provide relief to your stomach troubles, as it is a mild anti-inflammatory.

3) Not Chewing Food Properly. If you don't chew your food properly, your digestive system won't be able to break it down. Undigested food takes more space in your stomach than digested food and creates bloating, thus slowing down the entire digestive process. Chewing your food better can have a two-fold effect. It reduces the amount of air you swallow with the food (a cause of bloating), and it also makes you eat slower, which is linked to reduced food intake and smaller portions. So don't "gobble" up your meals, take your time to savor it and chew each bite!

4) Not Drinking Enough Water. Not staying hydrated can cause bloating in two ways. One, it can be a cause of constipation, which exacerbates the symptoms of bloating; and two, it makes your body retain fluids, which can lead to abdominal distention. As Dr. Sebi stated, a gallon of fresh spring water every day is the way to go. If you're having trouble reaching your water intake goal every day, these fruit-infused water Journal can help you get there.

5) Eating Too Much Fiber. Switching your regular diet to one that is based on fruits and vegetables, like the one Dr. Sebi approved of, can be a little rough on your stomach while your body adjusts to the increased amount of fiber. Don't give up! If you're feeling discomfort since starting your new, healthy path, try easing yourself into it by incorporating more smoothies, soups, and other easier-to-digest foods. Dr. Sebi's Apple Pie Smoothie is delicious and easy on your gut, so make sure to give it a try.

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