In the last few years, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about gut health. However, you’re probably still uncertain about what it actually is and its role in your life. Well, it turns out that your gut holds more power than you might think, and what happens there impacts everything in your body. So let’s explore the importance of gut health and what you can do to ensure yours is functioning at its best.
What Is Gut Health?
When you hear the word “gut,” you probably first assume that people are talking about your gastrointestinal tract, also known as your GI tract. The GI tract includes the esophagus, mouth, colon, rectum, pancreas, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, and stomach. In a nutshell, it consists of the organs that involve food intake and output. However, what people are referring to when talking about gut health is the bacteria in your microbiome.
Think of the microbiome as a community in your large intestine. Within this community are trillions of different microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. Some of the microorganisms in your microbiome are good, but there are also some harmful ones. Fortunately, a healthy gut is able to maintain a good balance of both without causing any issues. However, if there are too many harmful microbes, then it could cause disease.
Conditions Possibly Caused by Poor Gut Health
When your gut health is functioning at its best, it can keep infectious agents away from healthy bacteria and immune cells. But when the bacteria in your gut is unable to maintain homeostasis, your gut wall could become compromised. When this occurs, pathogens may enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation. Inflammation is an immune response used to attack harmful bacteria or heal damaged tissue, but too much of it leads to poor health.
Consider inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and colorectal cancer. All are tied to intestinal inflammation. The inflammation is a response to how one's gut health affects their immune system. However, it's not just the GI tract we have to be concerned about. Inflammation may also cause allergies, Alzheimer’s, neuropathy, and more. Fortunately, all is not lost, and there’s something you can do about it!
6 Ways to Improve Gut Health
If you want to give your gut the best chance of warding off harmful bacteria, you may need to implement a new personal care routine and adjust your lifestyle. So here are six ways you can improve your gut health to help ensure it’s functioning properly.
#1 Lower Your Stress Levels
Did you know that 55% of Americans are stressed during the day? We’re surrounded by many stressors daily, but finding ways to lower our stress levels is important. Why? Well, it turns out that chronic stress levels can cause or worsen many serious health problems. The nerves in your gut may become more sensitive and cause changes in your gut microbiota, impacting how it communicates with your brain. Something like stress may cause a leaky gut because it’s easier for harmful bacteria to make their way around and seep into your blood circulation. The result is inflammation.
Fortunately, you can lower your stress by doing things you enjoy. For example, try meditating, spending time with loved ones, scheduling massages, or getting a pet. You can also relieve stress by simply taking a walk outside on a nice day or laughing at something funny on TV. In addition, cutting out caffeine can make a big difference.
#2 Get Enough Sleep
Not getting enough sleep at night may impact your gut health. A lack of sleep causes stress, and we know from what was described above that stress causes inflammation. So what should you do to promote better quality sleep? First, speak with your primary care physician to see what they suggest. Next, try techniques like decreasing blue light exposure at night and not consuming caffeine. Also, try to sleep and wake up around the same time every day, so your body gets used to a schedule. In addition, although you might love your long daytime naps, it’s not recommended because it can throw off your sleep schedule.
#3 Eat Slowly
You’ve probably never thought about this, but are you eating too fast? Many of us rush through eating when we should really be taking our time. Eating too quickly causes you to swallow more air, which leads to bloating and gas. However, that’s not all that’s occurring. Fast eating may also interrupt your gut hormones. Specifically, the ones that regulate your appetite and tell you when you’re hungry or not. Be sure to chew your food thoroughly to promote complete digestion and absorption of nutrients. This simple technique may assist in lowering digestive discomfort and preserving a healthy gut.
#4 Stay Hydrated
It’s estimated that at least 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, which means it’s time to make efforts to push more fluids. We need water to keep things moving around and to promote a healthy gut. In fact, it’s believed that drinking a lot of water is helpful to the mucosal lining of the intestines. Dr. Sebi recommends drinking at least one gallon of natural spring water daily.
#5 Check Your Food Intolerances
Many people walk around with food intolerances and don’t even know about them. They may assume that symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, and acid reflux are normal, but it could mean your body doesn’t tolerate this food well. If you’re interested in finding out what foods don’t agree with you, start keeping a food journal. Begin taking notes when you notice undesirable symptoms after eating certain foods, and then try eliminating those items. You might find that you feel a lot better. Plus, your gut should thank you because it shouldn’t be as inflamed once you remove those triggers.
#6 Change Your Diet
It’s no secret that some foods are tasty to eat, but they aren’t so great for your health. For example, sugary treats like cakes, cookies, and pies may eliminate the beneficial bacteria in your gut, which isn’t good. In addition, processed foods that are very common in the Standard American Diet are linked to chronic conditions that may be completely preventable. Fortunately, Dr. Sebi has a complete list of nutritional guidelines that you can use to promote good health for not just your gut but your entire body. Dr. Sebi’s guidelines may help you follow a good gut health diet and consume gut health foods.
Signs of an Unhealthy Gut
You’re now equipped with a few techniques to improve your gut health, but how do you know if you already have an unhealthy gut? Well, there are a few signs out there that point to an unhealthy gut. But unfortunately, many of us ignore them. Or, we treat them with medication that only alleviates the symptoms but doesn’t correct the root cause. It’s imperative to start paying attention to how you feel because your gut health influences your entire body. You’ll notice physical and possibly mental issues if your gut is unhealthy and inflamed. Here are some signs that you might have an unhealthy gut.
#1 Upset Stomach
One major sign that you’re dealing with an unhealthy gut is if you’re struggling with stomach issues. Experiencing persistent gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn are all signs of gut health problems. While we all experience these symptoms from time to time, having them often could indicate an underlying problem with your digestive health.
#2 High-Sugar Diet
Do you find yourself eating a lot of sweet treats like candy bars, cakes, and pies? Following a high-sugar diet could cause an imbalance in your gut microbiome and impair your ability to absorb the nutrients your body needs to thrive. In addition, significant consumption of highly refined sugars is linked to inflammation and can cause a host of issues. If you want to maintain the good bacteria in your gut, which is necessary for optimum gut health, be sure to decrease the amount of sugar in your diet.
#3 Constant Weight Changes
If your weight is shifting a lot even though you haven’t made any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine, that’s a sign of an unhealthy gut. A weakened gut can’t function properly, so it impairs your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, control blood sugar, and store fat. The result is either weight loss, which is often a result of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or weight gain. The latter occurs when your body develops insulin resistance or because you’ve begun overeating due to a lack of nutrient absorption.
#4 Sleep Disturbances
Did you know that the gut produces most of your body’s melatonin? Melatonin is a hormone that impacts your sleep and mood, so it plays a significant role in your overall health. If your gut is weakened and melatonin production is compromised, you’ll likely notice fatigue or have trouble sleeping. Plus, we can’t ignore how a lack of sleep can be incredibly stressful and impact our dietary selections. Combining stress and poor food choices is a set-up for inflammation and potentially gut health issues.
#5 Skin Irritation
Skin problems like rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and more may result from poor gut health. An irritated gut communicates to the brain that something bad is going on. In response, the body prepares for battle by supercharging the immune system, which results in gut inflammation. Unfortunately, unwanted gut contents may enter the bloodstream, causing systemic inflammation and, thus, skin irritation. Therefore, it might be your gut if you're noticing persistent rashes or random breakouts. Your skin is very porous, just like your gut walls. So, if toxins are making their way in, it may result in an immune response that shows up on the surface of your skin.
#6 Autoimmune Conditions
It turns out that autoimmune conditions may result from an unhealthy gut. When your gut cannot function correctly, it may cause systemic inflammation, which may lead to the body attacking itself. Autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis result from your body attacking its joints instead of harmful invaders. It’s possible that by maintaining good gut health, you may be able to prevent autoimmune issues or at least alleviate them if you’ve already been diagnosed.
Try Dr. Sebi’s Stomach Relief Tea
With all this talk about gut health, you naturally want to do something about it. As noted above, you can make many lifestyle changes to improve your gut function, but one way to boost it is by using supplements for gut health. For example, Dr. Sebi’s Stomach Relief Tea is made with Cuachalalate, which is a decoction made from the bark of the tree. This ingredient has been used in Mexico and Central America for years to help individuals suffering from stomach or gastric pains. Therefore, if you’re suffering from gut health symptoms like acid reflux, this legendary herb may be just what you need to find digestive relief. In addition, it may be helpful for urinary and kidney discomfort and mouth diseases.
However, the Cuachalalate ingredient doesn’t just stop there. It’s considered an immune stimulant and anti-inflammatory agent, so taking Dr. Sebi’s Stomach Relief Tea may help promote healing if you're suffering from ulcers or boils. So, if you’re looking for a product that may help alleviate stomach pain, improve kidney health, and accelerate wound healing, you’re at the right place. Relieve gastrointestinal discomfort and promote healing in your digestive system with Dr. Sebi’s Stomach Relief Tea.
Your Gut Health Matters
One way to promote good health and care for yourself is by watching what you put into your body. It’s also essential to find healthy habits like working out or meditating that help strengthen your body and relieve stress. Your gut health may be a reflection of your good or bad habits, so take strides to keep it functioning optimally.
I’m a pre-diabetic my ldl is a little high and I have acid reflux leaky gut.
Whats a good recommendation?
Thank you so much starting my journey to a healthy gut, and hopefully I see a change with my skin rosacea. Thank you!!!!!! Overall also doing alkaline diet and so forth. I’m on my sebi journey honey!!!!
Very informative. Thanks