Today we meet Javan, a father, business owner, historian, and member of the worldwide Dr. Sebi community from England. This is the true tale of the challenges his family faced with fertility, childbirth, and the medical system. Learn how Javan’s partner, Danique, discovered the perfect fertility herbs to get pregnant. This is Javan’s story, in his own words… |
Max: First off, who are you, and what inspired you to become plant-based?
Javan: I’m Javan Von-Rollock, son of a Barbadian immigrant and an English mother. Born in South Yorkshire, my family is from Huddersfield.
I had quite a natural upbringing. Played out a lot, you know. There were woods on our land, so I climbed a lot of trees. I was connected with nature, you could say.
Sometime in the ’90s, my dad got back into fitness. He started running and exercising. And then he got very much into nutrition. As he got more into nutrition, he gave that to us, me and my brothers. We were brought up taking supplements. We were into sports, and martial arts, so we were healthy kids. My mum and dad were both good cooks so we ate a lot of freshly cooked food.
The very first time I went vegetarian I’d been watching stuff on TV. I’d watch The Boondocks - a character on that was called Huey. He was a vegetarian and I thought he was a cool character; I liked that. And I remember watching MTV Cribs and Russell Simmons said he was vegetarian, so I thought cool, thought I’d try it. I gave it a go, it didn’t work, I got quite ill after a couple of weeks. I didn’t know what I was supposed to be eating.
M: Tell us more about your experience with food and medicine growing up.
J: From being very young I had eczema, asthma, hay fever, and allergies. I was very sensitive to certain things around me, and I remember – I mean, this is some of my oldest memories – me laying on my back screaming with my mum rubbing creams from the doctors on me to try and make my eczema better. And I clearly remember nothing worked.
From that age, I didn’t like what doctors gave me, I found it disagreed with me. It showed me that what they are trying to give me doesn’t work for me. So that was how I started to see allopathic medicine. I’d say my spirit rejected certain things, so naturally, as a child, I wasn’t down with any of that.
M: How did you discover Dr. Sebi's work?
J: It was through my dad that I'd heard of Sebi. I started looking into his stuff, and to me he was radical in the way that he spoke; he spoke very clearly, and he wasn't afraid of making big statements, ya know. And I like that. And also, he was very scientific in his own way, I know he wasn't formally educated. I like the way he broke things down and he understood things. I liked the way he got into nutrition, which was through his grandmother, and the bush medicine.
I'm into my history and I'm also into anthropology, which is the study of other cultures. I've always been interested in tribal culture. And an area of interest of mine more recently has been how West African tribal cultures came across to the new world with slaves, and I could see that in Sebi's work, in the stuff he said he'd learned from his grandma. It was ancient, it was African. Bush medicine, ya know. So that really spoke to me.
Sebi just seemed like a strong man of sound reasoning, saying stuff that nobody else was really saying. He really supplemented the path that I was on, and he really strengthened and reinforced and gave more insight into the things that I saw and believed.
M: How did your discoveries impact decisions you made about your family's health?
J: I had my views, I had my natural aversion to allopathy, and I had my learnt and somewhat natural attraction to naturopathy and homeopathy. My partner, Danique, she was raised differently from me, she wasn't aware of nutrition in the same way, or medicine, ya know, we had very different views on it.
Danique had very painful period cramps, like intense, she's ended up in hospital with it at times. We don't know what caused that but we had to deal with that. And one of the things that she did to deal with that was she ended up going to see a Chinese acupuncturist. Whilst she was having this acupuncture, she stopped ovulating.
For a month we didn't really think anything of that, cos things can be late. Second month, we've started wondering what's going on. We've looked up if acupuncture can have an effect on it, and it can, apparently, disturb a woman's menstrual cycle. So, we kind of didn't think too much into it.
Third month's gone by and we've started thinking it was very strange that her period had stopped. So Danique went and got a pregnancy test, and she found out she was pregnant; she must have been about 5 months pregnant at this point. She stopped the acupuncture. Two months later, the baby was born, and the baby was born three months early. That's Ashon, my son who is now 5½ years old.
The doctors couldn't work out what the cause of the premature birth was. That seems to be a recurring theme; the doctors didn't know what was going on, man!
Everybody seemed to feel sorry for us, but to me it was just what was happening. It was my first child; I didn't know anything different. We dealt with it quite well.
The hard thing was leaving him in hospital overnight. I knew how important that was for health, mental and physical health. So that was difficult.
But the hardest part of Ashon's birth was yet to come. The hospital authorized an unnecessary medical procedure on Ashon - without the consent of his parents. |
J: I didn't want to push anything, so I didn't pursue the issue, although I was deeply disturbed by that, ya know that my son was given a medical treatment without consent, without any written consent, and that really, really made me wary of the medical establishment.
Ashon came out of hospital after two months in there, and he was rough. His skin was bad. He had a lot going on. And within a couple of months of him being out of hospital he was glowing, he was healthy, he was on breastmilk. He got so much healthier the further away from hospital he got.
M: You went through a real ordeal with Ashon. How did that impact your future decisions?
J: When Ashon got to about three years old I thought it would be nice for him to have a little brother or sister. So, we started trying for another child. Nothing was happening. We were trying for months, nothing seemed to work.
I'd been walking through the market one day and there was a stall full of African statues and carvings. I saw one, it was called a Namji, the guy told me, and it was a Cameroonian fertility doll. So I ended up buying it, researched it, and found that in Cameroon in a certain tribe they will make these figures and put them under the bed when they're trying to conceive a child, so I did that with this doll.
Danique had done some research into Dr. Sebi. She'd basically been looking up what natural products can help with reproductive health. She wasn't trying to find something to help her reproduce, she was trying to help her period pain that she'd always gone through. She'd had several different things from doctors to treat this pain that hadn't worked. And again, the doctors didn't know what the problem was in the first place.
She got Estro to help with the pain that she experienced, and she wanted to basically cleanse her reproductive system from any toxins or anything that had built up in it that may have been causing the pain. She had read that people had taken Estro and conceived shortly afterwards. She liked that idea and she started leaning towards the natural side of things. So she started taking herbs for period cramps.
Danique started taking Estro; within a month or two of that she'd conceived; she was pregnant with my daughter Zaiah.
Javan and Danique were excited about their new baby. But their challenges weren’t over! |
With the pregnancy with Zaiah, from the beginning, I wanted as little medical involvement as possible. When we went to the midwife with Zaiah they ask you all these questions to assess the risk of your pregnancy. The midwife said that she would be very low risk if it hadn't been for Ashon's premature birth. Even though they couldn't work out why that happened.
She was considered high risk based on that one factor, nothing to do with Danique's lifestyle, nothing to do with her health. Just because she'd had a premature birth previously. So, because of this they wanted her to go for more ultrasound scans than was normal.
She had an initial scan to check the size of the baby in general. Then she had a dating scan, then she had to keep going for these ultrasounds. After a couple of these ultrasounds, the consultant dealing with us told us that according to this scan (and she must have been about 7 months pregnant at this point) the baby’s not growing, and the baby’s abdomen has shrunk, according to the ultrasound scan.
Immediately I was suspicious; I wanted to see for myself. I looked at the scans, I looked at the charts they were showing me. So, what they do is they measure three areas of a baby in an ultrasound scan; they measure the cranial circumference (the circumference of the head), they measure the abdominal circumference. And they measure the length of the femur.
So, the cranial circumference: everything was alright, everything was as expected. The abdominal circumference, according to this scan, had shrunk. The length of the femur, according to the scan, had also shrunk. I’m reading this thinking, 'your femur can’t shrink, it’s a bone. It’s impossible.' That made me think, understandably I think, that that must be wrong. The femur length must be wrong. And if that’s wrong, how do I know the abdominal circumference is correct?
I decided to just look up on the internet: can a femur shrink? A femur can’t shrink at any point, it doesn’t happen. At this point the doctor is telling us we need to book in for an induced birth because if we don’t the baby could die. He said basically the baby’s stopped growing, it’s not good, and can lead to a lot of problems. I challenged him, I said, “well the femur length is obviously saying it’s shorter. Is that right?”
He said, “no, we can make mistakes.” So, I questioned, “how do we know then that you’ve not made a mistake with the other one.” And he just refused to acknowledge that the abdominal circumference measurement could be wrong. He would not tolerate that as a possibility.
We had a lot of back and forths with the doctor. When they realized Danique was unwilling to have an induced birth without me being able to ask the doctors questions, they eventually accommodated that.
The research I found showed that these scans are often incorrect. When I put all this to another doctor, he wouldn’t entertain the idea that this could be wrong. I asked him specifically “if we do not get an induced labor, what will happen?” And he said, “the baby will die, and if it doesn’t die, it will be disabled.” I said, “and that’s 100%?” He said “yes.” And then he added a little caveat, he said, “if the scan is correct.”
But then again, he still wouldn’t really acknowledge that the scan could be incorrect.
These back and forths continued with the hospital for several months, with the consultants repeatedly pressuring Javan and Danique to agree to an induced birth. |
J: Danique wanted more scans. So this consultant gave her another scan, and the baby was miraculously growing. So she realized they were wrong, I realized they were wrong. This doctor still wanted us to induce the birth.
Because of the research I’d done I’d found that these ultrasounds are only correct about 60% of the time. I said, well it’s not enough for me to say yes we can induce labor early, which will have a host of other complications, and cause a host of other health problems which don’t seem to be acknowledged by the doctors.
All the research I was reading was telling me what I wanted to know. It was the doctors practicing in the hospitals who don’t seem to be up to date on the research. They don’t seem interested in the research.
When we spoke to one doctor, he questioned all the studies that I’d read. He seemed to just think I’d been Googling stuff and not really looking into it. He didn’t realize I was using real, scholarly articles, peer reviewed papers with sometimes hundreds, sometimes thousands of cases they were analyzing.
With the pressure that this new consultant put on Danique, she agreed to have her labor induced. She didn’t really want to, and she didn’t intend on going through with it, she intended to cancel.
She didn’t need to cancel because two days before she was due to go to have labor induced, her waters broke, and she was in labor. And the baby was born, bigger than they were estimating, and with absolutely no health problems that we could tell.
M: She was perfectly healthy.
J: She was healthy, man, she was good.
Fertility is a pressing issue affecting everyone. Worldwide, the fertility rate has been steadily declining for decades. Men’s sperm counts have declined by 50% in 40 years. In the US, women are experiencing a 1% increase in miscarriages every year. |
M: Why do you think there are so many issues with fertility now, that seem to be increasing?
J: From my understanding, and all the research I’ve done and my experience, I’d say that diet and environment are everything, ya know. Everything we put into our bodies dictates our health. Not just what we put in but what gets put in; sometimes we don’t have a choice. The air we breathe, we can’t choose what air we breathe. The water we drink, ya know, we can’t choose. But I think all these things are creating health problems.
So yeah I think that it is definitely down to diet, why fertility is in crisis. It’s down to diet and what people have had put into their bodies, whether it’s food, water, air, medicine, electromagnetic frequencies around them, ionizing radiation, etc. None of that is conducive to fertility, or any aspect of our health.
M: To wrap up, what have you taken from Sebi’s teachings and is there anything you want to pass to your kids from Sebi?
J: For me, it’s more Sebi’s products than his teachings. What I’ve seen him do, what I’ve seen him accomplish. What I’ve heard him doing was amazing. Because of what I’ve seen, because of his track record - which, to me, is undoubtedly proven - I trust his products, I trust his teachings, I trust what he says. So that’s what I would take from it, is trust in Sebi. I trust him because of what I’ve seen him do, what I’ve seen his products do, with my own eyes, in my own life.
What I would like to inform my children and any future generations of: nature has everything we need. I personally believe in God, ya know, that everything was intelligently designed and put here for us. And that we do not need to seek things and we don’t need to change things out of the natural format in order to be healthy. Everything is there for us, everything is provided for us. Nature’s got the answers.
Javan’s family is an inspiration to the global Dr. Sebi community; with diligent care and attention, and a healthy lifestyle, Javan and Danique established a solid foundation of wellbeing for their children. |
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“At age 11 I had my first period and ever since then to last December THIS PRODUCT HAS COMPLETELY CHANGED ME. I am 23 now. I always thought something was wrong, why I couldn't get pregnant and why I would experience very very bad PCOS. At one point in my life for a while, I experienced big blood clots, cramps that would have me crying, very very bad back pains, clumped tissues in breasts which btw was a Cancer scare for me, vomiting, headaches (I already suffer with Migraines), painful sex and so much more. And I'll get these symptoms before, during and sometimes after my period. It affected my work life terribly and I was too embarrassed to even have this conversation with anyone and I'm not a "Run to a Doctor" chick so I suffered myself until last two months. I took this supplement for two months. My mood is now regulated. I do not feel tired, drained, no excessive menstrual pain and I'm not depressed anymore. If I'm being honest I get no pains at all. I've detoxed before taking this supplement (Dr. Sebi's way). The most rewarding part of my journey is that yesterday I found out I am pregnant!!!!I am a Naturalist and herbs is what WORKS! I highly highly recommend this product to women of all ages, race, religion and whatever else separates us. This product brings balance to your femininity. My mental health and physical health is back at one! And I feel brand new.” |
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