
The Best Way to Keep Your Brain Healthy as You Age

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The brain is unarguably critical for our survival due to its influence over so many essential bodily processes. These processes include breathing, sensing, digestion, memory, thinking, and feeling.  When the brain is unable to function effectively all other aspects of our mental and physical health suffer.

What is Neurodegeneration?

We are accustomed to the idea of the brain declining with age as it has been ‘normalized’. But it's our increasing exposure to toxins, and other inflammatory substances, that damage cells (reducing oxygen supply and energy availability), that causes decline, not the process of aging itself. Sugar and insulin resistance, for example, damages brain cells in a way that mimics premature aging. 

The word neurodegeneration consists of two parts: 

  • “Neuro”, referring to the neurons in the brain (nerve cells that transmit electrical signals as they communicate with each other, and the body).
  • “Degeneration”, the state or process of being in decline. 


For decades, scientific research has been linking exposure to toxins and pollutants in our environment with the increase of neurodegenerative diseases. Air pollution, for example, is associated with Parkinson's disease, [1] while heavy metal exposure increases the risks of Alzheimer's disease.[2]  

Additionally, stress and social isolation have been linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline, highlighting the importance of maintaining social connections and managing stress levels.[3] Excess sugar damages blood vessels and the critical cellular structures vital for making energy.

Protecting the brain from neurodegeneration will improve mental, physical, and emotional functions while improving quality of life! So, here are some ways you can start protecting your brain today.

Brain Protecting Exercises

There are lots of ways to literally exercise your brain, like taking it to a fun gym! Which of these would work well for you?


Aerobic Exercise

Exercises like jump rope, swimming, running, jogging, walking, and using a stationary bike are all great ways to level up your brain power, and feel good about yourself. Aerobic exercise encourages blood flow in the brain, increasing the oxygen and nutrients that feed neural cells.

Aerobic exercises are also known to release feel-good neurotransmitters like endorphins that calm anxiety and stress and promote general well-being. We evolved to move and remaining stationary causes physical and mental stagnation that reduces the removal of waste substances. 


As well as encouraging relaxation, practicing meditation is known to improve your focus, mood, memory, and thinking skills. Meditation also encourages the brain to become more adaptable with the power of increased neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain’s neurons to grow, change and reorganize themselves).

The simplest way to start meditating is by becoming more aware of your breath. This helps you to become more present in the moment. When your attention wanders off, simply bring it back to your breath. Breathing more also increases oxygen which is a vital brain fuel. 


Reading is excellent for your brain and has many benefits: enhanced concentration, memory, neural connectivity, comprehension skills, emotional intelligence, and even empathy. (Studies have shown that reading fiction can increase empathy because we temporarily put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and see things from their perspective.) Studies have shown that reading protects the brain from dementia in older people.

Learn a New Language 

The brain has to work quite hard to learn a new language, which is a great mental exercise. Learning new languages is associated with improved memory and thinking skills. Did you know that bilingual people (folks that can speak two languages) have increased protection from dementia in older age, as well as increased ability to pay attention, make decisions, and even multitask? ¡Es verdad!

Learn a Musical Instrument 

Similar to acquiring a new language, the brain has to work hard to grasp the skills needed to play a new musical instrument. Combining the logic of timing and physical skills with the creativity of expressing yourself through sound, learning an instrument is a whole-brain experience that stimulates lots of new neuronal growth. 

When scientists have studied the brains of musicians, they’ve found that they have extra strong brain regions associated with the ability to think about multiple concepts at the same time, and increased coordination of muscles, bones, and nerves. Playing music is also a powerful stress buster, further lightening the load on your beautiful brain. 

Brain Protecting Games

Mental stimulation can be a lot of fun, how many of these have you tried?


One of the most popular puzzle games of recorded human history, Sudoku (Japanese for ‘number place’ is a difficult number puzzle game where you have to find the right numbers to fit into a grid. A recent study showed that people over the age of 50 who practice puzzles like Sudoku have improved brain function.


The classic game of writing words that are the answers to questions in a grid of black and white squares. Crosswords are a favorite among word enthusiasts, who can expect to reap the benefits of playing them on a regular basis: improved memory and brain function. A recent study also found that people who attempted to solve a crossword in a group had improved brain function compared to those who solved crosswords alone.

Jigsaw Puzzles

Piecing together a jigsaw requires spatial reasoning skills (understanding how objects move in three dimensions), memory, and perception skills that are all enhanced through practice. These skills can boost overall brain function. 


Also known as Congklak (and many other names), Mancala is a fan favorite. This traditional African board game is popular in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, and lots of countries throughout the world. It’s easy to learn and satisfying to play. To succeed at Mancala you must have good counting skills and be able to plan and think strategically. If you’re not great with these skills, Mancala can help you improve them quickly, along with boosting your overall thinking power. 

Sleep Well for Brain Health

Getting enough good quality sleep is absolutely vital for looking after your brain. Are you getting the right amount of zzz’s? If not, intend to establish a new sleeping pattern that affords you between 7 and 8 hours of sleep every night. 

When the sun sets, find new ways of spending your time beyond screens and their sleep-disturbing blue light. Perhaps you’d like to read, learn a new language, or study a musical instrument (all of which, as we’ve seen, are powerful exercises for protecting your brain!).

As you sleep, your brain performs a ‘rinse and repair’ cycle. Accumulated waste and toxins that have gathered during the day are literally washed away (by the glymphatic system). Meanwhile, stores of nutrients and fuel are restocked for the next day. 

Skimping on just a single night's sleep impairs the brain much like alcohol (measured in road safety tests). If you don’t prioritize sleep your brain will quickly suffer. Imagine what would happen if you never cleaned your kitchen, or filled the cupboards and fridge? Your brain needs time to restore and it only does it while you rest.

Stay Social for Brain Health

We are social creatures and social connections stimulate our brains. Studies have shown that people who have good social connections (classed as those who live with other people, have regular weekly meetings with friends or family or like-minded people, and don’t experience loneliness) have slower cognitive decline than those with poor social connections.


This is why it’s important to carve out time for activities, dinners, phone calls, or video calls with your nearest and dearest. If you don’t have many good people close by, consider joining a social club, meetup group, or volunteering organization to keep your brain active and engaged. 

Boost Your Brain Naturally

Dr. Sebi formulated two incredible compounds to support your supply of mental energy, reduce neural-inflammation, provide brain-boosting minerals, undo the damage of oxidation, and keep your brain in tip-top condition! 

Dr. Sebi’s Banju contains blue vervain, burdock root, and bugleweed. It provides minerals and antioxidants essential for regulating electrical transmission. It contains flavonoids that boost energy production and help oxygenate the brain. Banju specifically supports detoxification to clear away substances driving inflammation.

Dr. Sebi’s Viento enhances oxygenation with iron and powerful antioxidants while removing the heavy metals that impair immune functions. Viento boosts brain circulation to ensure minerals and nutrients get to where they are needed most, helping you focus and concentrate more easily while repairing the damage done by inflammation and stress.

While simple activities like exercise, reading, meditating, learning a new instrument, a new language, or playing fun games will improve memory and thinking skills, they can’t clean out the damage done by our toxic diets and lifestyles. 

Dr. Sebi developed herbal compounds to protect the brain and restore mental health. This Brain Boosting Bundle effectively turns back the clock to rejuvenate your mental power! 

Just see for yourself what others are saying!

From claudiorosemberg89 on Sep 08, 2020

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[1] Hu CY, Fang Y, Li FL, et al. Association between ambient air pollution and Parkinson’s disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Environ Res. 2019;168:448-459.

[2] Bakulski KM, Seo YA, Hickman RC, et al. Heavy metals exposure and Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. J Alzheimers Dis. 2020;76(4):1215-1242.

[3] Lara E, Caballero FF, Rico-Uribe LA, et al. Are loneliness and social isolation associated with cognitive decline? Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019;34(11):1613-1622.

1 comment

Do u guys have coffee for the brain or something for balance.

Jacqueline green

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