Thyroid Health: All You Need To Know (July 2020) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

Thyroid Health: All You Need To Know (July 2020) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

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Is Your Thyroid Driving At The Right Speed?

The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland risks mineral malnutrition. If you feel 'wired' or 'tired' for days at a time, your thyroid might need some support. Thyroid disease is more common than diabetes, but the solution could be a surprisingly simple purple-mineral.

Iodine and the Thyroid Health

The thyroid gland is located in your neck, surrounded by cartilage protecting the voice-box, at the top of your windpipe. This small gland regulates energy and effectively controls the heart, brain, liver, and kidneys. It releases a hormone, called thyroxine, to coordinate energy use throughout the whole body.

Thyroxine contains the mineral iodine, named after the Greek word for 'purple' because of its beautiful violet-black crystals. Iodine is rare in the soil but abundant in the sea, and in the past, our ancestors got enough iodine from their diet, but right now 2 billion people are deficient.

Deficiency and Displacement

Iodine deficiency slows brain development, causing mental disability, and prevents the thyroid from producing activated thyroxine. Iodization of salt was introduced to combat deficiency, but iodine in salt breaks-down (sublimes) and oxidizes, especially in hot and humid conditions.

Iodine sits in a group of similar elements, including fluorine, chlorine, and bromine. These elements can be toxic, like chlorine bleach, and accidentally absorbed by the thyroid. Chlorine, from tap water and detergents, seeps into the thyroid, displacing iodine, impairing energy regulation.

Toxins and Inflammation

Radioactive iodine (released by power plants) and chemical toxins (plastics and pesticides) damage the thyroid, creating cysts, lumps, nodules, and goiters. Toxins also interfere with communication between the pituitary gland (a master gland in the brain) and the thyroid.

Leaky gut and acidic-foods cause thyroid inflammation, reducing function, making it susceptible to damage. Chronic inflammation increases auto-immune reactions, like Grave's disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. These are two of the 'labels' applied when underlying issues prevent the gland from working effectively.

Thyroid Issues

Over 20 million people in the US have a thyroid condition, 60% are unaware they have an issue. It's more common in women, and nearly 25% have a detectable thyroid complaint. Thyroid disease and other thyroid issues manifest like a broken accelerator-pedal in a car, making it impossible to metabolically-drive at the correct speed.

Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) due to a lack of thyroid hormone or ineffective hormone activation. The body slows down and you feel tired, cold, depressed, and are prone to weight gain. More common, impacting 10% of the population.

Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) is an excess of thyroid hormone, over-sensitivity to the hormone, or occasionally iodine excess. The body 'accelerates' and you feel too hot, irritable, trouble sleeping, anxious, and prone to weight loss. Less common impacts 0.2% of men and 2% of women.

Detoxification and Nutrition for Thyroid Health

The first step in reducing your risk of thyroid disease and improving thyroid health is removing inflammatory non-natural foods and sticking to Dr. Sebi's Nutritional Guide. You also need a balance of high-quality absorbable minerals and keep well-hydrated to help the kidneys flush out unwanted toxins.

Dr. Sebi's Bromide Plus replenishes your stock of bioactive minerals. Delivering the 102 minerals needed for optimal health, Bromide Plus is energizing, and slightly suppresses appetite - the body knows when it's being fully nourished!

The body can disarm radio-active iodine, and displace toxic elements like chlorine, with sufficient organic minerals. Mother Nature provided a powerful mineral to regulate our energy, and it's abundantly available in plants from the Sea!


Sylvia Washington Maybe you have an unnatural source of iodine like iodized salt. Many seaweeds contain natural iodine. Maybe you can tolerate this iodine better. :D


I’m currently in a hyperactive state. Having difficulty regulating my Thyroid levels and calcium levels. I’m very anxious. Would like to know the benefits and best dosage of sea moss to take. Considering the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages of consuming seamoss in its quantities. Please help.

Shabazz Kelly

Happy Birthday Dr.Sebe.I loved you so much.You gave me so much hope.You were the best Dr.In the world.No doctor compared to you.In my eyes you were a doctor.You are missed so much.Sincerely Doris Duran

Doris Duran

I have an over active thyroid but I’m allergic to iodine. Is there something else I can take

Sylvia Washington

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