So... What's for Lunch? (July 2021) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

What's for Lunch? The Beginners Guide to Meal Planning

Last updated 

Planning your meals in advance wins you extra time, money, and energy. Wondering how to begin? Allow us to guide you with our easy-to-adopt meal planning strategy!

Dr. Sebi’s Viento curves the unhealthy addictions that drive you towards acidic foods, while Dr. Sebi’s Bromide Plus fills you with abundant alkaline nutrition. It’s easier to plan healthy balanced meals when you know your nutritional needs are being supported by potent herbs.

Planning Ahead

“The gorilla, without the degree, because he’s still tied to the cosmic procession, then, without the degree, he knows what to eat.” - Dr. Sebi

The rewards for planning your meals make it a worthwhile activity:

  • More Money - Buying ingredients in bulk is cheaper.
  • More Time - Staring into your fridge wondering what to eat (when you’re already hungry) sucks. Planning in advance means you can have a meal ready within minutes of stepping into the kitchen.
  • More Food Awareness - When you know exactly what your ingredients are designated for, you know exactly how much you consume. You’re also more likely to consume nourishing food - and avoid processed “convenience” foods.
  • Less Food Waste - Planning all your ingredients reduces spoilage and unusable leftovers.
  • Less Effort - Planning ahead is taking care of your future self - who will be very glad you made the effort!

Step 1: Organize Your Meals

  • Start on the weekend so you can plan, purchase, and prep all your meals for the week ahead.
  • Set a budget of exactly how much money you have for ingredients.
  • Plan how many meals you’ll cook in the coming days.
  • Factor in leftovers; one dish can last multiple meals.
  • Choose your meals - wondering what alkaline dishes to cook? Check out our free library of Dr. Sebi-approved recipes. From soups, salads, and smoothies, to pizzas, tacos, and desserts. There are enough recipes to keep meals exciting and nourishing!
  • Save recipes in one place for easy access, like your smartphone or a printed document that lives in the kitchen drawer. Try a new recipe each week to keep things interesting.
  • Make an “ingredients list” from the Nutritional Guide including everything you need for your meals.
  • Make an inventory of the ingredients you already have at home, then cross these off the ingredients list; what remains is your shopping list.

Step 2: Gather Your Ingredients

  • Locate your ingredients based on your shopping list, by determining all the places you need to visit (grocery stores, farmers markets, supermarkets, etc.)
  • Eat before you shop because we make more impulse purchases (food and non-food items) when we’re hungry.
  • Use a calculator so you can calculate the total food bill as you shop and stay on budget.
  • Shop online to save time and ensure you only buy what’s necessary.

Step 3: Prepare Your Food

  • Wash, chop, and store your produce in the freezer for convenience. Prepare batches of ready-to-go ingredients: peel veggies, dice fruit, and wash your salads. This will save you lots of preparation time during the week.
  • Cook in batches so you have full meals ready to go in the freezer.
  • Make sauces - like pasta sauce (or soups) - in large batches and store them for later. Homemade sauces make a big difference to your enjoyment of food and are free of unwanted additives.
  • Store new items in your fridge and cupboards behind old items so they get used up first.
  • Organize your food - for example one shelf for grains, one shelf for herbs, etc. - so you know where to look for ingredients when cooking.
  • Prepare snacks like nuts, fruit, seaweed, and smoothies for quick energy.
  • Compost food waste for your plants, trees, or better yet your own fruits and veggies if you grow them - maximizing your food’s potential by contributing to the circle of life.

Step 4: Enjoy!

After practicing these tips to organize, gather, and prepare your ingredients, you’ll enjoy more time and energy, plus a host of delicious alkaline meals that can be made quickly and easily! Great work! Planning really is the key to success when it comes to alkaline eating!

Dr. Sebi’s Bromide Plus provides multiple potent minerals from the sea that help to reduce appetite while boosting nutrition - a perfect addition to your morning smoothie. Likewise, Dr. Sebi’s Viento delivers an iron-rich burst of mental and physical vitality that nourishes you on a cellular level. With this powerful herbal duo, you can easily skip mealtimes without missing out on vital nutrition.

Energize your body, mind, and wallet by planning your meals for the week ahead. Prepare to enjoy a delicious alkaline feast and ensure your taste buds are motivated to stay alkaline!

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Thank you all

Somara Mullings

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