Our growing desire for immediate results, and pharmaceutical 'quick-fixes,' has damaged our expectations when it comes to natural healing. But Dr. Sebi taught us that self-healing is a lifestyle choice, not a magic pill or a diet!
The ‘magic pill’ you're looking for is your own patience, consistent effort, and trust in your body’s innate ability to heal, when given the right input and conditions. With patience, self-love and plant-based power you can recover your mind, mood and energy.
“Healing has to be consistent with life itself.” - Dr. Sebi
How to Accelerate Self-Healing
There are no shortcuts, magic pills or secret hacks to healing, but there are some things you can do to significantly speed up the process:
- Rest Well: A lack of sleep promotes inflammation and slows down healing. Seven to 8 hours of sleep is optimal for your body to perform its restorative processes. Sleep more if you need it, enjoy it, it’s the most powerful way to heal your body!
- Nourish Cells: Eating bioelectric alkaline fruits, vegetables, ancient grains, nuts and seeds from Dr. Sebi’s Nutritional Guide provides you with the true components your body needs for healing.
- Keep Moving: Movement plays a crucial role in health and healing. This could be walking, dancing, yoga, or any gentle exercise you enjoy.
- Quit Smoking: Smoking cigarettes tightens blood vessels, restricting blood flow and the healing oxygen and nutrients it contains, slowing down the healing process. Breathe more fresh air!
- Stop Drinking: Alcoholism is associated with an impaired healing of skin and bone. Consuming alcohol increases your susceptibility to disease, and the chances of injuring yourself or someone else.
- Drink Water: Hydrate with natural spring water to flush out toxins, transport nutrients to your cells, and regulate your body temperature — all extremely useful features for self-healing.
- Take Responsibility: Every single decision you make will impact your body. Choose to cleanse, nourish and take care of your physical and mental health and the result will be profound.
Try Dr. Sebi's Detox Package
Dr. Sebi’s All Inclusive Package supports mastery of your own self-healing with 17 powerful herbal formulations that cleanse, nourish and rejuvenate at a cellular level.
Men and women can improve all aspects of their wellbeing, from brain, heart and endocrine health, to libido, strength, and stamina, while elevating levels of the pure plant-based energy critical for your bioelectric body to rebuild itself entirely!
How We Heal
There are no quick fixes, but there are some things you can do to speed up your journey and make it easier on your mind and body. Some results are really quick – like the increased mental clarity and physical energy from eating real food for just a few days!
Physical Healing
Your body needs time to heal. The process of destruction is so much faster than the process of creation; it takes months for our infant bodies to develop in the womb, and years for us to grow to full strength in adulthood — but an injury can happen in an instant.
Time is one of the major ingredients your body needs to rebuild itself, along with adequate nutrition and physical movement. How you spend the time while healing from physical damage is key. These are the 3 phases of healing from physical injuries:
- Acute Phase: The pain is still prominent, and you need plenty of rest, appropriate treatment for the injury (bandages, hot or cold compress, etc.), and may need to limit your movements.
- Rehabilitation Phase: Healing has started. You might need to rehabilitate your body to regain its full range of movement, and the pain may continue.
- Recovery Phase: The pain and discomfort continues to decrease, as your ability to move increases.
Cellular Healing
Most of the injuries we experience are the result of toxic food and inflammatory lifestyles. These ‘micro-injuries’ to trillions of cells impact our energy levels and immune systems. Once you start to clear out toxins, reduce inflammation and increase nutrition these injuries also heal.
Every single day your body makes new cells — about 96 million per minute! Some cells are replaced more quickly than others, but in 7 years’ time you will literally have a brand new body – built from the food and thoughts you are nourishing it with today.
- 330 billion cells (1% of your body) are replaced every day.
- 30% of your bacteria are replaced every time you move your bowels.
- Gut cells live for just 5 days, while liver cells live for about 500 days.
- Every year you lose your entire body weight in dead cells that are replaced.
What are you building your new body with?
If you plant apple seeds and take care of them with organic nutrition, quality water, sun, shade and attention, they will germinate, grow, flourish, flower and fruit! Your cells are like seeds that will also flourish. But, they need nutritional saturation, and a toxin free environment, to thrive.
DNA Healing
The genetic information you inherit from your parents provides the blueprint for your body. But 95% of the final product (your adult body and mind) is the result of genetic regulation driven by lifestyle choices (like diet) and personal experiences (like trauma).
Your body has multiple sets of genes to choose from. Genes are selected based on the quality of your lifestyle (nutrition, movement, hydration and mental attitude). This is like choosing which house to build from plans at different prices. Do you go with the cheap build (using inferior timber and plastic windows) or will you choose the luxury option with all the best fixtures and fittings?
The price you ‘pay’ for a luxury home is the same as the ‘effort’ you put into a luxury body. Are you making daily choices that nourish your nutrigenomics (genetic regulation through food) and enhance your epigenetics (genetic regulation through lifestyle)? Are your choices selecting the best genetic blueprints you have available?
Emotional Healing
A popular misconception is that ‘time heals all wounds.’ While time gives our bodies the opportunity to heal, mental and emotional traumas require more active resolutions. Most adults have experienced traumatic episodes from the past that still influence thoughts and behavior in the present, no matter how much time passes.
Highly emotional events leave a lasting effect on the subconscious mind because we were unable to process them effectively. These emotional memories get 'stuck' in our subconscious mind, like a broken projector repeating the same horrible scene again and again, keeping us locked in fear.
To our subconscious, we never stopped living the traumatic experience (even if our conscious mind forgot ages ago). These traumas continue to influence our thoughts, behaviors, habits and physical health, until they are properly acknowledged, accepted, ‘digested’ and integrated.
Time alone cannot resolve these psychological issues, but it does give you the opportunity to heal issues when you are ready to overcome them. For major traumas, a counselor, therapist, or other specialist can help you more effectively understand and process what you went through, in order to truly let go of its influence over your life.
Reviewing your life for traumatic events can help you start to process the shadows lurking in your subconscious. By examining your fears and issues (reflecting on your emotions and behaviors while seeking feedback from trusted people) you can release and process old emotions keeping you stuck.
Self-esteem, and enhanced energy for healing, is the reward for letting go of the past and revealing all aspects of your personality to the world - the good, the bad and the ugly things we usually try to mask and hide! Suppressing emotions takes a lot of energy; resentment, guilt, shame and fear wear your body out. Let go, forgive, and move forward lighter.
1 comment
Hi. I just wanted to ask what the steps are to heal the body starting from a cellular level? Wanting to get started healing me & my son, & was looking through your site for the right herbal formulas to buy, but didn’t know where to begin. Any help would be appreciated.