The Heart-Brain Connection for Mental and Physical Health
For a long time it was believed that the brain was the boss of the heart. But that's a misconception. We need to rethink the relationship between these two organs to understand what is really going on.
Body Awareness: How to Get Out of Your Head and Be in the Moment
We live in a society that glorifies the brain and we forget that bodies built the world around us. The brain is a powerful tool, but it’s an overused one. Being trapped in the brain can have damaging consequences for personal health.
Your Mind Matters: Conquer Stress to Boost Mental Health
Did you know that it’s possible to die from a broken heart? Extreme emotional stress, like losing a loved one, can cause inflammation around the heart that impacts the body in the same way a heart attack does. Emotional trauma is becoming recognized as a significant contributor to disease.
Spring Cleaning Tips for a Tidy Home
Spring cleaning is an important ritual that creates a safer, and more beautiful, environment for you and your family while actively reducing stress. Are you ready to relax and clean?
5 Caffeine Alternatives That Are Actually Good for You
Many can’t imagine their mornings without a cup of coffee. Consuming caffeine has become a normalized addiction, but it isn’t for everyone. Here are 5 alternatives.
Tired of Feeling Tired? Support Your Mitochondrial Health
Our bodies contain more than one hundred thousand trillion mitochondria - the marvelous miniature energy factories found in our cells. Why does having healthier mitochondria result in having more energy? And how can we enhance our mitochondria so we have more energy for life?
Why Am I Hungry Even After I Eat?
Our bodies tell us when we need food and when we’ve had enough to eat. But these signals are subtle and get lost amongst addictive foods. Real food creates true fullness; do you know how that feels?
3 Delicious Smoothie Recipes for Constipation
Good news: The solution to constipation is right under your roof - in your kitchen! Ingredients that can relieve constipation include oranges (Seville or sour) pears, papayas, peaches, grapes (seeded), dates, zucchini, amaranth, walnuts, raw sesame seeds, mangoes, ginger, dandelion, approved greens. Let’s get smoothie-ing!
Why Chayote Squash Deserves Your Attention
Scouring the internet this tail end of the year has brought me to so many ‘veggie of the month’ guides. My favorite was the October veggie of the month, our traditional winter squash.