Why Am I Hungry Even After I Eat?
Our bodies tell us when we need food and when we’ve had enough to eat. But these signals are subtle and get lost amongst addictive foods. Real food creates true fullness; do you know how that feels?
3 Delicious Smoothie Recipes for Constipation
Good news: The solution to constipation is right under your roof - in your kitchen! Ingredients that can relieve constipation include oranges (Seville or sour) pears, papayas, peaches, grapes (seeded), dates, zucchini, amaranth, walnuts, raw sesame seeds, mangoes, ginger, dandelion, approved greens. Let’s get smoothie-ing!
Why Chayote Squash Deserves Your Attention
Scouring the internet this tail end of the year has brought me to so many ‘veggie of the month’ guides. My favorite was the October veggie of the month, our traditional winter squash.
Healing From the Inside Out: Understanding the Brain-Gut Connection
The gut microbiome, the community of microorganisms that live in our gastrointestinal tract, plays a crucial role in physical and mental health. When bad bacteria are dominant, the gut microbiome is imbalanced, contributing to anxiety and depression.
Are You Thinking Clearly? How to Improve Your Focus
Our ability to concentrate is determined by our habits. Lack of sleep, neurological inflammation, and screen time destroy our ability to focus. Discover how to increase your concentration and enhance your ability to think more clearly.
How Electric Foods Work to Maintain a Healthy Body
Electric foods or food bioelectricity refers to the energy field surrounding foods, raw or cooked. Plants are more like us than we knew. Let’s see why electric foods are beneficial.
Goodbye to Stress! 10 Tips for Stress Relief
Stress is your body's natural reaction to challenges. In short bursts, stress can be a positive force, including helping you meet a personal or work deadline. But over a prolonged period of time, stress may be incredibly harmful to your health.
What Your Morning Mindset Tells You About Your Health
Do you wake up full of the joys of life? Or do you greet the day with irritation and malaise? How you feel first thing in the morning can indicate the state of health, or inflammation, inside your brain. Let's explore what your mind and mood are telling you about...
Kickstart Your Day With These Alkaline Breakfast Foods
How you start your day is critical to how the rest will go. If the day starts with something that is inflammatory (i.e. every sugar-filled single cereal you see in the shops) then you will experience brain fog and reduced immune function for the rest of the day.